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Distance Education
Episode 187

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

The discussion centers around the new challenges brought on by distance education during the pandemic. Mandy, a teacher, shares insights on how e-learning has reshaped her teaching methods, education standards, and student engagement. Key areas of focus include the importance of addressing students' basic needs before tackling academics and adapting lesson plans to a remote learning environment. The hosts emphasize the role of parents in this partnership, encouraging open communication with educators and utilizing available resources like the K-12 financial literacy curriculum. Through shared experiences and actionable advice, the episode highlights the resilience of both teachers and families in navigating this unprecedented educational landscape.

Episode Timestamps

ChooseFI Podcast Episode Show Notes

Episode Title: Distance Education: Community Support and Effective Learning during Uncertain Times

Episode Summary:
Distance education has transformed teaching methods, requiring educators to adapt quickly due to the changing landscape brought on by the pandemic. This episode explores the challenges and solutions being implemented in various school districts, focusing on how teachers balance core subjects with essential community support like meal distribution for needy families. Mandy, a teacher and curriculum creator, shares insights on flexible teaching, the importance of communication between parents and educators, and the value of utilizing resources like the K-12 financial literacy curriculum.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Introduction to Distance Education :
    The transition to online learning and how teachers are adapting curricula during the pandemic.

  • Teacher Insights on E-Learning :
    Mandy discusses the adjustments made to lesson plans and teaching methodologies when moving from classroom to distance education.

  • Meeting School Needs Beyond Academics :
    Importance of addressing basic needs such as meal distribution before focusing on educational standards.

  • Community Response and Support :
    Community initiatives to provide aid and resources to students and families during the pandemic's challenges.

  • Guidance for Parents on Supporting Learning :
    Tips for parents to maintain communication with teachers and support their children's learning effectively.

Key Takeaways:

  • Teachers are innovating and creating valuable resources, from DIY mask-making tutorials to virtual learning support.

  • Community involvement is crucial; maintaining communication with schools enhances the educational experience for children.

  • Building partnerships between parents and educators starts with trust and open communication on each child's needs.

  • Encouraging independent reading significantly helps enhance educational outcomes for children.

  • Education thrives on collaboration, with a community effort being essential for academic and personal success.

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Encourage your children to engage in independent reading; it significantly aids learning.
  • Reach out to your child's teacher for support and clarity on what is being taught and how you can help.
  • Utilize community resources and local initiatives for meal support and educational materials for children.

Resources Mentioned:

Related Quotes:

  • "It takes a village, and we want parents to be involved."
  • "Independent reading does wonders for kids."

Discussion Questions:

  • What are some effective methods for maintaining communication with teachers during remote learning?
  • How can parents implement interest-led learning at home?
  • Discuss the importance of self-directed learning in a child's education, especially during unexpected events.

Podcast Intro:
"You're listening to ChooseFI. The blueprint for financial independence lives here. If you're looking to unlock the secrets to financial independence and early retirement, you're in the right place..."

Podcast Extro:
"You've been listening to ChooseFI Podcast, where we help middle-class America build wealth one life hack at a time."

Navigating Distance Education: Strategies for Success

Distance education has reshaped the landscape of learning, especially in the wake of recent global challenges. As parents and educators navigate this new normal, it’s essential to understand how to make the most of these changes. Here’s a guide to effectively support distance education at home.

Understanding Distance Education Dynamics

Distance education, or e-learning, has transitioned from a niche option to a primary mode of learning for many students. This shift requires immediate adaptation from both educators and parents. Recognizing the differences between traditional and online learning is crucial. In-class dynamics with a teacher guiding discussions and activities can seldom be replicated online. Instead, focus on fostering an environment for individualized learning.

Harnessing Teacher Insights

Educators like Mandy bring valuable experience in this domain. When teaching shifts online, expect adjustments in the curriculum. Teachers may not cover the same material; instead, they adapt lessons to meet the unique challenges posed by distance education. As a parent, it's essential to support your child's learning by understanding what they are learning and how you can augment that at home.

Engage with Your Child’s Teacher

Communication is a key pillar of a successful home learning environment. Reach out to your child’s teacher to clarify expectations and ask how you can support their learning journey. Establishing a foundation of trust will enhance the partnership between home and school, ensuring your child’s needs are met.

Addressing Basic Needs First

Before diving into academics, assess and address your child’s basic needs. Schools often serve as a safety net, particularly for families relying on meal programs. If your child or others in your community are struggling to access essential resources, consider reaching out to local schools or organizations that provide meal distribution and other supports during these challenging times.

Community Support is Crucial

It often takes a community to ensure children’s needs are met. Encourage involvement in community initiatives aimed at supporting families in need. Simple actions, such as donating or volunteering, can significantly impact your local educational ecosystem.

Effective Learning Strategies for Parents

Parents play an indispensable role in their children’s education, especially in a distance learning context. Here are some strategies to enhance the learning experience:

Embrace Individualized Learning

Recognize that children learn at different paces, and their interests should guide the learning process. Implement a flexible schedule that allows your child to study subjects they are passionate about while ensuring core learning objectives are met.

  • Encourage Independent Reading: Research showcases that independent reading has a profound impact on educational outcomes. Set aside daily reading time for your child to explore books they enjoy. This not only develops their language skills but also encourages a love for learning.

Implement Interest-Led Learning

Interest-led learning can significantly enhance engagement and retention. Tailor learning activities around topics your child is passionate about. This might mean incorporating games, creative projects, or discussions centered on subjects of interest.

Utilizing Resources Effectively

With the transition to distance education, many resources have emerged to assist both parents and teachers. Explore available tools to maximize your child’s learning experience:

Leverage Online Platforms

Platforms like Canvas, Google Classroom, and Schoology are designed to streamline e-learning. Encourage your child to engage with these tools to access curriculum materials and submit assignments easily.

Explore the Accidental Homeschooler

The Accidental Homeschooler is a resource developed to help parents navigate home education more effectively. Utilize activities categorized by grade levels and subjects to keep learning engaging and structured.

Financial Literacy Curriculum

Incorporate the K-12 financial literacy curriculum into your child’s education. This free resource provides essential skills in personal finance, budgeting, and investing that are increasingly relevant today.

Support and Feedback Loop

Create a feedback system between you and your child’s teacher to gauge what works and what doesn’t. This collaboration is essential for adapting lessons to fit your child’s learning style and needs. Regular communication can solve many issues early on, fostering a more effective learning environment.

Building a Strong Partnership

Ultimately, education thrives on collaboration between parents and teachers.

  • Trust and Communication: Establish an open dialogue with educators, sharing insights on your child’s progress and challenges. This cooperative Spirit will lead to actionable solutions that benefit your child's learning.


As distance education becomes a larger component of the educational landscape, both parents and teachers must adapt with flexibility and ingenuity. By addressing foundational needs, leveraging resources, fostering communication, and embracing individualized learning, you set your child up for success during these challenging times. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey; together, we can pave the path towards effective distance education.

This episode dives into Distance Education with Mandy Bert. She is a mother, an 8th grade teacher in Illinois, and co-creator of the Accidental Homeschooler.

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A few weeks ago we had Vincent Pugliese on to discuss homeschooling from a parent's perspective. Today we welcome Mandy Bert to look at the education system from a teacher's perspective.



What Has Changed?

Mandy explains that two things have changed. First and foremost new systems were needed to support the higher needs kids. From kids on the free lunch program to those who were being cared for by the school nurse and counselor.

As far as lunches are concerned, some districts are setting up a drive-thru type system so kids can come by and get their free lunch. Other districts are having meals delivered to the kids.

The next changes were to the curriculum itself. While the same skills are being taught, it's being done in different ways. For example, verbal debates are being recorded rather than done live. PE classes are focusing on how to work out at home.

She encourages everyone to reach out to their schools via email or phone to see how you can help.


While the school day is typically seven hours, don't expect your child to study for seven hours at home. Mandy's district expects five hours per day of schooling and homework.

Silver linings

This is a very challenging time but it's not all bad. Mandy feels we are going to create better partnerships between teachers and parents going forward. Plus we will all see how flexible, innovative, and collaborative teachers are. This is showing the whole country how well teachers can pivot.

What Parents Can Do

A good partnership is based on trust and knowing that everyone just wants what is best for the child. Also, keep the lines of communication open. If your child is struggling or doing very well, let the teacher know.

Accidental Homeschooler

If you don't have a good structure within your state and you need to take the lead there are resources available.

Grab the Accidental Homeschooler resource on our homepage. Among many other things, this resource gives a few weeks worth of activities--sorted by grade level. Perfect for struggling parents who need a few minutes of free time.

Also, don't be afraid to reach out for help. Exactly how much hands-on time your kids need will depend on their ages. Mandy stresses the importance of independent reading for fun. Kids who read on their own are leaps and bounds of their peers.